Dustless Blasting V/S High-Pressure Water Cleaning
1. Introduction No matter how thick and good the paint is, unfortunately, it does not last forever. The external painting of your house, the paint on your car or boat, or the steel underneath the bridges starts to fade, peel or flake over time with the influence of the elements of weather. In addition, steel, iron and other ferrous objects start to corrode over time with the impact of moisture in the atmosphere. Corrosion is a huge problem across many industries and billions of dollars are spent on restoring ships, bridges, jetties, pipelines, etc. Even historical monuments lose their shine, become dirty, develop rust, and without restoration, are likely to crumble. Restoration can be efficiently and effectively done with the right technology. There are many ways of cleaning and removing paint or corrosion namely – chemical stripping, thermal stripping, manual sanding, dry sandblasting, high-pressure water cleaning, and wet abrasive blasting. However, all these methods with...